Monday, August 30, 2010

I have come to understand, in a more complete way, the phrase"one day at a time". The reality is that we only get one day at a time. The hopes of yesterday are gone and we have no guarantee of tomorrow. So, today is all we have.

What do we do with the day we have been given? For some it's lived like every other day they have had. Getting up, getting ready for work, making another dollar, spending it on whatever they wish and think they will do it again tomorrow with no regard to the fact that tomorrow may never come. I don't want to live this way and yet I sometimes forget and fall into the same routine and mindless pattern of just going through the motions of working, sleeping, eating, watching TV, etc.

The way I want to live is to consciously understand that each day is a gift from God, a day to bring Him glory in how I work, spend time with family, interact with members of the community, drive my car, what I watch and listen too. All I have for certain is today and even in that, the day is uncertain as to how it will go. So, in reality, not only is it a day to day situation but truly a moment by moment existence.

When our hope is in the Lord, there is peace and not fear. I don't fear the future of this day or the days to come. My hope is securely upon the One who is Sovereign. This, I believe, is the realization of living one day at a time. We understand the importance of each day and thus don't take it or the things in our lives for granted. We value the day, family, opportunities to do good and bring God glory.

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