Thursday, April 29, 2010

Follow the Instructions

If you know me very well, which all eleven of those who are following my blog probably do, you know that I am one who follows rules. I drive the speed limit, I do not enter when it says "do not enter". When there are instructions I follow them. It is a blessing and curse. The blessing is I am following the rule or law. And I have no fear of prosecution. The curse may be that I am not spontaneous. It might be that I don't get out of the box very often or live life on the "wild" side. I am not a big risk taker. Again, this can all be good and bad, depending on your perspective.

There is one set of rules, laws, precepts, statues, words that I know are to be followed. Any guesses? I see that hand and you are right...God's word, laws, precepts and statues. His instructions are always perfect and right.

I have been reading and doing some studying on the book of Joshua. There is so much to this book and so many lessons to be learned that I will only focus on one of them for now. God gave Joshua specific instructions on how he and the Israelites were to take the city of Jericho. God said to take seven priest with seven trumpets of ram's horns along with the Ark of the Covenant and the fighting men and march around the city once each day for six days. On the seventh day they were to march around the city seven times. At the completion of the seventh time around the trumpets were to sound and all the people were to shout and the walls would come down.

What we read in Joshua chapter 6 is that Joshua and the Israelites did exactly as God had instructed. In the book of Hebrews 11:30 it states "By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people marched around them for seven days". The people followed the instructions that God had given and their faith in God, the giver of the instructions, brought about the victory they received. Jericho was delivered into the hands of the Israelites.

What would have happened if they had taken one day off to rest? What if on the seventh day they only marched around the city five times instead of seven? We all know that God's word is to be followed and obeyed. We all know the blessing that comes through obedience to His word.

One of my favorite passages is found in Psalm 19:7-11. When you can, please look at that passage. Verse 11 sums it all up; "By them (laws, statues, precepts, commands, ordinances) is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward."

God's word is to be followed and obeyed. But this must flow out of relationship and not out of obligation or guilt. God knows best and again, His way is perfect. Trust Him and do things His way and then reap the benefit of obedience.

Friday, April 16, 2010

What can you do?

It has been awhile since I last wrote. I took some days away from the office and just have not been inspired to write. But today, I have some things to share that I hope will encourage you.

Today, our grandson Jude, is having a surgery to reattach his small intestines. Right after he was born he contracted a very dangerous intestinal disease. It was a very concerning time for Josh and Kate and for all of us. Many people were praying for him and the Lord heard and answered our prayers for healing and protection. Well, today they are putting everything back together. This will greatly help Jude to grow and develop and it will ease the work that Josh and Kate have to do to care for Jude.

As with the first surgery, this surgery is the same in that what can I do? I find myself once again recognizing my absolute dependence upon the Lord to work and provide all our needs, both physical and spiritual. What can I do to help Jude or Josh and Kate? Though I might not be able to take away the circumstance, I have realized that there are things I can do.

One of the things I can do is be here. I almost wasn't. Before this surgery was scheduled I had committed to help lead and participate in a Sunday School conference. After arriving at the conference for a faculty meeting, I shared what was going on with Jude and immediately everyone there expressed that I should not be there but here in Kansas City. I didn't want to let anyone down and I was torn both ways. But their allowing me to be relieved from my duties made it much easier.

Another thing I can do is pray. Sometimes we think that prayer is insignificant when in fact it is the most important thing we can do. Who is it that can provide everything? It is the Lord and we need to go before His throne to petition Him for the things we need and to again declare our dependency upon Him.

Though there will always be things we can't do, look for the things you can do and then do it.

And it came to pass...