Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Opportunity of a Lifetime

Nothing in all the world will ever compare to knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior. The relationship with the Creator of all things is one that is full of love, hope, mercy, grace, kindness, power, riches, correction and life. Everything else pails in comparison, to say the least. The Apostle Paul counted everything as rubbish compared to knowing Jesus (Philippians 3).

There are a few things, in our human minds, that we would consider an "opportunity of a lifetime". For some, it might be jumping out of a perfectly good, function plane for the thrill of skydiving. Others might think of deep sea diving or visiting a foreign country or driving a NASCAR race car as that opportunity of a lifetime.

The church that I have the privilege to serve in is giving me a 30 day sabbatical with pay.They have also collected a love offering to help offset our expenses for the various activities we will be engaged in during the sabbatical. For me, this is an opportunity of a lifetime. Never have I had the opportunity to have an extended time away to refresh, renew, retool and rest. I am amazed each time that I think of what the Lord has provided through this church family, to realize the great opportunity this is for me and my family.

One thing is for sure, I will not waste this opportunity. I hope that whatever opportunity the Lord gives you, that you will not waste a moment of it. If it is an opportunity to share the hope of Jesus, to meet a physical need, to pray with someone, to do some random act of kindness, whatever the Lord gives you to do in his name for the glory of God and the good for others, do it. Don't waste the opportunity.