Saturday, June 12, 2010

Storms of Life

I am sitting in my garage this morning watching and listening to the rain and thunder. When atmospheric conditions are just right, rain, wind and lighting are produced. Sometimes the storms are mild and pass within minutes. Other storms are bigger, longer and have the potential to do extreme harm to lives, homes and property. This morning, this storms seems to be mild. A little thunder, a little rain, and not much wind.

When we look back at our lives we often find times that were stormy. Whether it was a health issue, a death of a loved one, work related, church related, etc, we see those times as difficult. The storm is never fun to go through. It is filled with uncertainty and often our mind is filled with anxious thoughts because we really don't know what is coming especially when the storms come at night.

I don't know why storms come and do the damage they do but they do some positive results. After tornados or floods we see people rise to the occasion and help each other like never before. Agencies come together and provide care to those most affected by the storm. People helping people during the difficult time of life.

I don't always know why storms come into our lives. I do understand that God has purposes for the Christ-follower and that these storms cause us to be and display our dependence upon Him. But why the storms?

I believe the first reason is because of the curse of sin. Sin brings death and destruction and because we live in a fallen world there are going to be storms, both physically and otherwise. Secondly, there are storms in our lives to make us more like Christ. As I reflect upon the storms that Shelly and I have gone through, they have made me more compassionate, more sensitive and more understanding. When Jesus would see those in pain or hurting he had compassion on them, he was moved by their situation. His life on earth allows him to know and understand what it is like to be human (Heb. 4). Thirdly, the storms of our life allow us to comfort those with the comfort we have received from Christ (2 Cor 1). As we each go through our storm of life, at some point we move past it far enough that we can come alongside someone else who is experiencing something similar and be a comfort to them. Fourthly, in the book of James he states that the times of adversity come to test our faith which builds perseverance so that we will be complete in our faith, lacking nothing.

Storms are never easy to go through. With the Lord, we know we can face anything that comes our way. And lastly...they come to pass. The storms do pass and when they do they reveal a truth that remains...Jesus is there shining bright. He never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Right now the storm is still here. I hear the thunder and see the rain. But just beyond the clouds the sun is shining bright and when the storm passes, the sun will be revealed. May we never forget that Jesus is Lord over all things. As a song says "when I can't see His hand trust His heart".

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Consistency? My Inconsistency!

A recent event has caused me to reflect upon consistency. I rode my bike almost 90 miles in two days. Two days of riding leaves one tired and sore. The benefit of riding like this is that you know how much you can take while sitting a little seat. I think that is the only benefit. To get stronger does not mean ride 90 miles in two days and then not ride for another month. To get stronger it has to be more consistent than that. It takes an intentional plan of riding hard three days a week and then easy the other two and then making sure you take two days off to rest.

The Christian life has been referred to as a marathon not a sprint. You can't go to church all day on Sunday and then expect to do nothing the rest of the week and be a strong follower of Christ.

Jesus taught us to pray for "our daily bread". Jesus calls us to "daily take up our cross and follow him". The church in Acts is recorded to have met on a daily bases and the Lord added "to their number daily those who were being saved".

Here is what Paul said to the Thessalonians "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. (italics added)

I think there is something to this daily walk with Christ and it should not be limited to a Sunday morning service only. So, let me encourage you to daily read God's Word, daily pray and meditate upon God's Word. Daily live out what you know the Bible says. Daily love the Lord with all you are. Daily, daily, daily do these things and see if by next month or next year you are not stronger than you are now. Remember, it's a daily thing.