Monday, August 16, 2010

The Beginning of the End

Today me and my family embark on a journey that will no doubt be exciting yet we have no way of knowing how it will all trun out. The future is uncertain, we have no idea as to exactly how things will go and yet we cannot stop time. Each day reveals a little more of what is coming and yet it is only in looking back do we have a more complete understanding of what has happened.

Today our youngest daughter began high school. The next four years will be filled with new experiences and joys. They also might be filled with difficulty and challenges. The reality is that every day is like the first day of high school, we never know for sure what will take place.

Like Forrest Gump's mama always said "Forrest, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Unless they have the diagram under the lid, then technically you would know what you were going to get by following the diagram but maybe in Forrest's day they didn't have that diagram...excuse me, I digress.

I am excited for her and pray the Lord will bless her, make His face shine upon her and bless her. I also pray this for my family.

When Kara graduates in 2014, I will be 48 years old and hopefully done with my masters in theological studies and will have some more grand kids. Jude will be almost 5 years old.

The future is full of promise and hope but I really don't know what is going to happen. So in the midst of my optimism, I set my heart on the Lord, who is the one who sees eternity past, present and future. He is my Rock, my sure foundation. He is my life.

I hope today that no matter what you are facing or thinking about, you will place your hope and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and rest in Him. He will take care of us and provide for all we need and in the midst of it all, will bless us according to His riches in heaven. Only may we be found faithful and obedient to His will and word.

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