Monday, March 1, 2010


This past Sunday was a special moment for Shelly and me. We were able to hold Jude for the first time. He came home on Friday and then Josh and Kate invited us to KC for a Sunday afternoon dinner to celebrate and to just have some family time with them and Jude.

The past four months have been filled with great excitement as Jude was born to moments of total helplessness as he faced surgery to repair the hole in his stomach which caused his intestinal disease. These past months have especially been trying for Josh and Kate with the "worry" that parents go through when their child is ill and thier future is uncertain. Yet, through it all, I witnessed my son lead Kate and himself to remain faithful to the Lord and to share their journey through CarePages.

I also recognize that my own journey of faith has been strengthened by Josh and Kate's journey and I have once again recognized the mercy and grace of God that has been with Jude and the things provided for him at every level. God has provided these things through the medical staff at Children's Mercy in KC and through the many prayers lifted on Jude's behalf. I must also recognize the will of God in Jude's life. God desires for Himself to be glorified and through Jude's life and the witness of Josh and Kate, I have glorified my Father in heaven.

As we were there in KC, I don't remember the exact conversation, the comment was made that the past four months now seem like a blurr or they seemed to have passed quickly now that Jude is home. I know that its our perception with things like this but I think that God provides that perspective so that we don't become so overwhelmed we get totally discouraged. The whole basis for this blog is to help me and you, the reader, to know that things don't always last forever whether good things or bad things. I am so glad that the last four months have "come to pass" and we can now begin to look forward to what may come.


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