Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Meeting the World

The weather has been a huge issue for us here in Kansas this year. It seems that winter has been happening for a year or two and most of us are more than ready for sunny days and warm temperatures.

Lately we have had some nice days and this past Tuesday we had an exceptional day to be outside so I took advantage of it and went on a 12 mile bike ride.

All winter I had my bike on what is called a trainer. It is a device that you put the back wheel of your bike in and then you "train" during bad weather or cold weather. Basically, it turns your bike into a stationary bike. (yada, yada, yada) Any way, I had been riding inside off and on, sadly more off than on, but I had spent a few hours each week pedaling my bike. I often would get warmed up and move my chain to the hardest gear and really get after pedaling. No problems at all at the hard gear. I sometimes felt as if I could pedal all day but often my rear could not go that long.

So, on Tuesday, I had the opportunity to get outside and ride. I left my bike in the harder range of gears and headed out to ride east of Salina. I soon realized that my gear selection was much harder in the "real" world than down in my basement on my trainer. I also realized that in the basement I did not have to fight cars, the wind nor climb hills. Riding inside can lure you into thinking you are stronger and have more endurance than you really have.

I liken this experience to living out our faith. The church is a wonderful place to come and receive biblical instruction, encouragement, discipleship and fellowship. Most of the time the church is a safe place from the difficulties we often face in the world. In the church, the opposition of that like cars, wind and hills are only slight and for the most part we are protected. But what happens when we leave the protection of the church building and all of it's wonderful benefits? What happens when we face the angry customer at our employment? What happens when we have to face the steep climb of going to our jobs where our boss or other co-workers oppose us because of our faith?

Out there in the world it can be a very different place to live than in the church community. And yet what we learn in the midst of protection will and ought to make us stronger to face the storms and evils schemes that the evil one throws our way. When we are faced with opposing views of creation, marriage, ethics or worldviews how do we handle them? Do we rest on the biblical teaching we have received, the training that we have done or are we so overcome with the cars almost hitting us, the strong wind or the steep hills that we give up and stop pedaling?

The training we receive in and through the church ought to help us out in the real world that we live in. Paul tells the Colossian church "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." (Col.4:5-6) How do we know how to answer everyone? It is by the study of God's word. God's word must be studied, meditated upon and read if we are going to train ourselves to be godly and if want to have the strength do endure this life.
1Timothy 4:7 "Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. (italics added)

Don't neglect the training.

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