Thursday, March 13, 2014

Embrace the Moment

On the way to the office this morning, I was reflecting on life and the thought occurred to me that the past is exactly that...the past. What I've accomplished and experienced has had an incredible effect on my life today but I cannot live off the fumes of those things. Today is today and if continue to live in the past, I miss out on what God is doing today.

I have spent the past two years adjusting from full-time local church ministry. It has been a very difficult process for me. I am somewhat ashamed to admit that there have been some dark days. I have gone on a roller coaster ride with my emotions which served to expose some false ideas about life and identity.

So, today I am seeking to live in the moment; not live in the past and all it's stuff and embrace what God is giving me to do today. I do not want to miss what the Lord is doing around me because I'm not "where" I think I should be.

There may still be some days that I will struggle with issues or feelings but for today, I am finding contentment in the day to day life of being a follower of Jesus.

"It's not where you've been that matters as much as where you now; embrace the moment"

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