Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Living Tucked-in in an Un-Tucked World: The Callenge to Change

For most of my adult life I have always tucked my shirt in. Even when wearing shorts and a T-Shirt, I would tuck my shirt in. I am not certain as to why I would always do that but that is how I rolled.

In the recent past, I have begun to wear my shirt un-tucked. It has been a journey for me. It took a change in me to allow myself to relax and not concern myself with having things "perfect" as the tucked in shirt would indicate for me.

This all sounds silly but there is a point to be made.

We may find ourselves doing things out of habit or because we were taught a specific way or ideals were put upon us without instruction or reasoning. We do what we do because that is the way we do it. This would be my situation. Always tucking in my shirt was a habit and was based on ideals that were put upon me by those who always tucked there shirts in.

So, I decided to change.

Change can be a challenge. It often goes against what we have been doing or believed for some time. So, as I began this change, it took me awhile to get comfortable wearing my shirt un-tucked but once I had for awhile and no one was offended or shocked at my un-tuckedness, I realized that in most situations, wearing my shirt un-tucked is OK.

Change is never easy or comfortable but when change is needed, it must have purpose and be based on what is true. External forces can make me do things but in my heart I may not really buy into the process.

God is at work changing me and conforming me to the likeness of Christ. It is not always easy but in the end it is good, beneficial and I pray, brings glory to God. My shirt being tucked in or un-tucked is really not the issue. The point is, that we need to be willing to change and do the things we do with purpose and in truth.

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