Wednesday, December 21, 2011


When you hear the word change many things probably come to your mind. For some it might be a bad word. For others, they embrace change and enjoy the challenges that change can bring. For me, I am in the middle. I don't particularly care for change but then on the other hand I see that it is sometimes needed and seek to go with it and make the adjustments as needed.

Our family is embarking on a new journey. We have resigned our position at our church and are moving to another state. This means we are leaving our home of 15 years, our oldest daughter and her family, a ministry that has been fruitful and beneficial and a host of friends. It is not easy packing up my office or my home. In some respects it would be easier to just stay and not change. But, the Lord is leading us and we are getting somewhat excited to see what the Lord has for us in the future.

Change can be scary but it also can be exciting. If we don't change we will never know what we might do or become.

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