Friday, April 20, 2012

A Twist in the Road

Over the past few months, we have gone through quite a transition. We moved from our home of 15 years to a new but familiar area of the country in hopes of new adventures and maybe a "fresh" start. What we have discovered is that God granted us this move to help teach us faith, trust and that we are desperately in need of him for power, strength and mercy. So, this time has not been wasted at all and has served us well.

With that said, we are now in the process of moving back to our home. I still have no idea on what is next but we know that what we had in family and friends was and are valuable to us. I believe we needed this time to regroup, retool and realign ourselves to God and each other. We had lived in one place so long and had developed some routines and mind set that were not the best, maybe even wrong and selfish.

I have gained a new insight into the human condition and have dealt with my own sin and struggled to trust God. There are many who have gone through that struggle and are now in the midst of the struggle that I really had no idea what it was like. I took my faith and whatever biblical understanding I had for granted and trusted more in the outer practice than I did in the inner relationship we need to grow in our faith. Though unintentional, I had made life about the "appearance" and struggled with really being genuine. I truly regret that part of my life and am learning to live the crucified life.

So, as we take this "twist" in the road, I do understand that nothing takes God by surprise. I may be a little shocked on the twist but God is not. A scripture passage from Romans 8:28 has become a life verse for me and one that I have trusted in whole-heartedly. It states "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose".

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