Wednesday, November 9, 2011

God is Our Refuge

Over the past several months, I have faced a variety of challenges in my family and beyond. God has been at work the whole time but he has chosen this day to reveal a major truth that I must learn. Psalms 46:1 states "God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble" (HCSB) I have struggled with and in my own strength for many years. Other things have been my focus and it has not been God and Christ. As a result, I have not been what I need to be for my wife and family; neither have I been what my church family needs.

This living in my own strength, rather than in God's, has led me to react inappropriately to the changes around me. Our family dynamic has changed with our two older children leaving to attend college and then marriage. The church family has changed with leadership and membership. Family and church, and for me more church than family, has been my focus rather than setting my focus firmly on God and Christ. So, when all these things change, my foundation is rocked and I and my family become unsteady because I have tried to build it on my own and have not allowed God to be my refuge and solid rock.

God is and must always remain my (our) refuge. Not only is He our refuge, He is our strength. He is the One who provides, protects and supports. I am weak and often fail so I am in constant dependence for God. This is where I must live for the rest of my natural life.

Psalm 62:7-8 gives both a declaration and admonition "My salvation and glory depend on God, my strong rock. My refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is our refuge". May we all take heed to the Lord's instruction and let God be our refuge.

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