Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Be Content

In his letter to the Philippians, Paul writes, in part, to thank them for their support for supplies needed for his imprisonment. The Philippians were the only church that shared to meet Paul’s physical needs and he expresses his gratitude. But Paul also expressed that he had learned to be content in whatever situation he was in (4:11). This is a lesson that I must continue to learn. Life is not always easy and there will be obstacles along the way, times of testing and difficulties. A part of the response that we need to have is one of contentment but also the key is “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (4:13)

We all face adversity. We all face trials. How do we respond? Frustration? Anger? Resentment? I have been guilty of responding those ways and it got me nowhere. It was not beneficial for me and nor my family. The answer is to rest in Christ and allow his power and strength to sustain us through the storms of life.

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